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Survey and Data Science for Undergraduates

Course Date: June 17-28

Days: M-F (1:00pm-4:00pm)

This course is intended as an introduction to the science behind survey research and will be taught at an undergraduate level. Our primary reason for designing this course is to share our excitement about survey methodology as a research field. In this course, we focus on principles and theories as opposed to a strictly hands on approach to creating surveys. This approach to the study of surveys will allow you to apply the same methods to a very broad range of research topics, e.g., public opinion and politics, health, drug use, consumer behavior, customer satisfaction and market research among many others. In addition, the course will present basic statistical concepts and techniques in sample design, data collection, and reporting, as well as explanations of how error can be introduced into the survey process. At the end of this course, you will have a basic understanding of what needs to go into conducting a high-quality survey and will be exposed to resources that will allow you build on the knowledge of survey methodology you have learned in the course.

2 course hours
Instructor: Sunghee Lee
Location: Live Online via Zoom