Peter V. Miller is a Senior Researcher for Survey Measurement at the U.S. Bureau of the Census, and Chief Scientist in the Bureau’s Center for Adaptive Design. He joined the staff of the Census Bureau in 2011. Before arriving at Census, Dr. Miller spent 29 years at Northwestern University, where he holds an appointment as Professor Emeritus. At Northwestern, he served at various times as Associate Professor, Van Zelst Research Professor, Director of the Institute for Modern Communication, Chair of the Department of Communication Studies and Associate Dean for External Programs in the School of Communication. Prior to his service at Northwestern, he was an Assistant Study Director in the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan, where he was also Assistant Professor of Sociology and Communication and Director of the Detroit Area Study. He also has held faculty positions at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and at Purdue University. Miller was Editor-in-Chief of Public Opinion Quarterly from 2001 to 2008. He has held several elective offices in AAPOR, most recently serving as President in 2009-2010. He received the Harry W. O’Neill Award for Outstanding Achievement from the New York Chapter of AAPOR in 2012. He was also named a Fellow of the Midwest Chapter of AAPOR in 2012. His research has included work on interviewer and mode effects in surveys and survey nonresponse.